LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Sept. 1, 2024
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
There will be no school on Monday, September 2nd for the Labor Day holiday. I hope all of our Bobcats enjoy the day off! Tuesday, September 3rd will be a B Day.
Hearing and Vision Screenings for 7th Grade Students
The Lions Club will be coming to LCMS during the school day on Wednesday and Thursday, September 4th and 5th for hearing and vision screening for 7th grade students.
LCMS Kindness Kickoff on Friday!
We will have our LCMS Kindness Kickoff during the school day on Friday, September 6th! We will enjoy hearing from a special guest speaker, Doug Reavis of the YouUplift platform! We will also have our first Olweus lesson (Bobcat Pride Time) of the year, and we will have Team Time with our grade levels! We will wear GREEN and GOLD to show our school spirit for the event. It will be an exciting day!
Visit our LCMS website to submit anonymous positive and encouraging messages to our Bobcats on our
YouUplift Kindness eWall! We have continuously remained #1 in the Nation on the YouUplift Leaderboard for the most messages submitted. Let’s keep it up!
PowerSchool Parent Portal
You can monitor your child’s academic progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal, where you can see the detailed grade book for each class, as well as attendance and tardy information. Your child brought home the individualized login information last week. Please call our office if you need assistance with logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Also, Interim Reports will be sent home with students on Friday, September 13th.
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are now available to purchase! You can
order online using this link, or students can bring in cash or a check (made payable to LCMS). The price is currently $35. Students can see Ms. Dallas Ventre in room 901 with any questions.
Looking Ahead
Picture day at LCMS will be on Tuesday, September 10th!
Wednesday, September 18th will be an Asynchronous Learning Day, and Bobcat students and staff will be participating in community service activities as a way to give back to our supportive community! We will be volunteering at the Louisa County Resource Council, Louisa County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, and the Louisa Animal Shelter. Please complete the
permission form and return it to the LCMS main office by Wednesday, September 11th for your child to participate. (Please note that participation in the volunteer opportunity at the Louisa Animal Shelter requires a signed waiver.) This is an excellent opportunity for students to be involved in a service project that benefits our community, and I hope you will consider having your child participate!
We will have our first after school dance of the school year on Friday, September 13th until 5:30 for our Bobcats in grades 6, 7, and 8. Permission forms will be distributed the week prior. The $10 fee will include admission to the dance and one student admission to the LCHS Varsity home football game in the Jungle! We are excited to have some social time with our Bobcats, followed by cheering on our Lions in the Jungle!
There will also be after school dances on October 4th and November 8th, and there are LCHS Varsity home football games on those days as well!
If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457. I hope that you have a restful and enjoyable Labor Day holiday!
Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School