LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Sept. 29, 2024
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
Monday, September 30th will be a B Day.
After School Dance on Friday, October 4th!
We will have an after school dance this Friday, October 4th until 5:30 for our Bobcats in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Permission forms (linked here) must be turned in by Thursday, October 3rd at 1:20. Registrations will not be accepted on the day of the dance. The $10 fee will include admission to the dance and one student admission to the LCHS Varsity home football game in the Jungle!
Parents/guardians will pick up students from the dance *beginning* at 5:30. (Early pickups are difficult because students are still dancing!) Enter the campus using the Bus Garage entrance and proceed to door #2 (the 7th grade entrance) to pick up your child.
We are excited to have some social time with our Bobcats, followed by cheering on our Lions in the Jungle!
Scholastic Book Fair October 7th-11th
The LCMS Library will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair from Monday, October 7th to Friday, October 11th. Students will be able to visit the fair with their Social Studies teachers on their scheduled day. The fair will also be open in the morning at 7:45 and during lunch for students who have money to make a purchase but not simply browse. The fair will be open for a family night on Tuesday, October 8th to students and their families after school from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please feel free to stop in and pick up some amazing new books to read!
Teacher Workday: Monday, October 14th
Monday, October 14th is a teacher workday and there will be no school for students.
Blue Ridge Virginia Governor's School
An informational night will be held on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the LCMS Forum for 8th graders and parents interested in learning more about the Blue Ridge Virginia Governor's School. Seventh grade families are welcome to attend to get a jump start for their 8th grade year.
The Blue Ridge Virginia Governor’s School (BRVGS) is an academic year governor’s school that provides a challenging and differentiated program of studies in core academic subjects, emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program utilizes interactive video technology, field trips, and team coaching to create a regional community of learners from the counties of Fluvanna, Goochland, Greene, Louisa, Nelson, Madison, and Orange. Methods of instruction and learning aided by technology will aim to put the student in control of his or her learning and education. Please contact Mrs. Floyd, Special Services School Counselor, with any questions:
[email protected], 540-894-5457 ext 2061.
LCMS Student Showcase: Friday, October 18th
Would you like a glimpse into your child’s school day? Would you like to see firsthand what they have been working on so far this school year? Would you like to see their writings, creations, and evidence of their learning and progress?
Mark your calendar for Friday, October 18th for our
LCMS Student Showcase! Families are invited to visit our school from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. prior to the LCHS Varsity football game in the Jungle, which kicks off at 7:30. Families can enjoy dinner at the tailgate in front of the middle school from 5:30 to 6:30. Students will be showcasing their learning, progress, creativity, and successes so far this school year. Families are invited to visit each of their child’s classrooms and teachers, as well as other areas in our school such as our library, and students who have their Showcase Card punched will receive a student ticket to the football game! Mark your calendar to visit LCMS on Friday, October 18th from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. for the Student Showcase!
#Kindness Month
As you may know, each October, we celebrate #Kindness Month here at Louisa County Public Schools. We are excited to announce several different initiatives that we will be participating in this month.
First, we will be collecting Coins for Kindness from October 7th to October 18th, with all of the proceeds going to benefit the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office and its K-9 officers. Then, we will also be collecting Cans for Kindness from October 21st to the end of the month, with all proceeds going to the Louisa County Resource Council.
And finally, we are also accepting nominations for Everyday Heroes. These are individuals, groups, non-profits, and businesses from all across our community that never seek the spotlight, but are making a POSITIVE difference in the world around them.
To submit a nomination, just visit our division website ( and click the banner at the top of the page. Everyone who is nominated will receive a kindness package courtesy of our students here at LCPS.
Picture Day Orders and Makeups
Fall pictures are included in our annual yearbook, so students who did not have their picture taken on the original picture day are encouraged to participate in the makeup picture day, which will be on Tuesday, October 22nd. There will also be an opportunity for those who ordered pictures to have their picture retaken on that day.
Socktober has arrived! Students can donate socks, winter hats, scarves, sweatshirts, jackets, and anything else to help stay warm this winter! Even a small act of love, such as donating a pair of socks, can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors. Grade level bins are set up in the cafeteria for students to place their donations and participate in the grade level competition! Remember, all items must be new. Donations will be accepted through Friday, October 25th.
School-Wide Costume Theme: Mickey and Minnie!
For Thursday, October 31st, students and staff are invited to unite in a school-wide theme in the spirit of fun -- Mickey and Minnie! Whether Bobcats want to dress up as the iconic duo or simply wear red and black, we can't wait to see some Disney magic in our school through these classic characters!
*If they choose, students may each receive a Mickey/Minnie
headband, which they will receive in homeroom class on Wednesday, October 30th.
(Students may dress up on Thursday, October 31st, as long as dress code guidelines are followed and there are no Halloween masks.)
LCMS PTA Membership
We are excited to announce the LCMS PTA is being rejuvenated! The LCMS PTA is now accepting charter members for the reestablished PTA. Join now at a discounted rate of $3.75 per person to include membership in the LCMS PTA, the Virginia PTA, and the National PTA! The rate goes up to $10 per person on October 3rd. You can join by using the
printable form or
The LCMS PTA is also looking to fill ALL 2024-2025 Board Positions. If you are interested in being part of the LCMS PTA Board, please complete the
Board Interest Form online and then plan to attend the charter organizational meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at LCMS. We hope you will help us to support the students and staff of the school!
Stay updated on this exciting opportunity and be sure to follow the
Louisa County Middle School PTA on Facebook.
If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.
Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School