LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 10, 2024

LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 10, 2024
Posted on 11/10/2024
Principal Weekly Update Graphic
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families, 
Monday, November 11th will be an A Day. We will wear red, white, and blue in honor of Veterans Day on Monday.

World Kindness Day and Bobcat Pride Time on Wednesday, November 13th
Wednesday, November 13th is recognized as World Kindness Day, which is a global observance dedicated to promoting and celebrating acts of kindness. This day serves as a reminder of the positive impact that kindness can have on individuals, communities, and the world at large. It highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and cooperation to create a more harmonious and caring world.

At LCMS, we will wear our Kindness shirts on Wednesday, November 13th and we will have Bobcat Pride time with an Olweus lesson during WIN Block!

Kindness Cart prizes will be given out to random winners who are wearing their Kindness shirts on Wednesday. The Bobcat Pride Spirit Banners will be up for grabs based on which grade level hallways (even vs odd) have the most students wearing their Kindness shirts!

Veterans Day Chorus Performance on Thursday, November 14th
We are excited to invite you to a special Veterans Day chorus performance featuring our talented middle school students on Thursday, November 14th, at 6:30 p.m. in the LCMS Forum. Our chorus has been working hard to prepare a memorable evening of patriotic songs honoring those who have served our country. We encourage you to bring a veteran to share in this heartfelt tribute. Your presence and support mean the world to our students and will make the event even more special.

Interim Reports on Friday, November 15th
Interim Reports will come home with students on Friday, November 15th. As we progress through the school year, I encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions or concerns, or just to connect with them to hear about your child’s continued growth. You can monitor your child’s academic progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal where you are able to see the detailed grade book for each class, as well as attendance and tardy information. Please call our office if you need assistance with logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Help Us “Stuff the Turkey”
Help support the Louisa Resource Council by bringing in non-perishable food in the next few weeks. Items could include canned items, pasta, peanut butter, applesauce, fruit cups, beans, rice, granola bars, pop tarts, and fruit snacks. Food will be distributed to local families for the holiday season. Donations will be accepted through Friday, November 22nd. Help us stuff the turkey!

LCMS PTA Membership Drive
We encourage and welcome all parents, grandparents, school staff, and community supporters to join the LCMS PTA! Membership is only $5, and the funds will be used to support students and staff at LCMS. As an incentive to join by January 31st, the LCMS PTA is holding a schoolwide membership drive to win custom designed t-shirts! The class in each grade level with the highest percentage of memberships will win the custom t-shirts! Memberships can be purchased online or by returning the printable membership form.

Candy Cane Grams
The LCMS PTA is excited to offer Candy Cane Grams available for purchase by students, staff, and family members! Candy Cane Grams will help spread holiday cheer. Each Candy Cane Gram will include a special message from the sender attached to a candy cane, and they are only $1 each. They will be available for cash purchases during lunch shifts on December 3rd and December 5th, and can be purchased online. Sales will end on Friday, December 6th, so don’t miss out. Candy Cane Grams will be delivered to the 4th block classrooms on Friday, December 13th.

Thank you, as always, for all of your support! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.

Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School
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