LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Aug.11, 2024

LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Aug. 11, 2024
Posted on 08/11/2024
Principal Update graphic
LCMS Bobcat Families,

We are so excited to welcome our Bobcats back to school tomorrow, Monday, August 12th, which will be an A Day. Tomorrow will be a day of students reconnecting with teachers, staff, and peers!
It is helpful for students to bring the printed schedule to school for the first week or two while they are finding their classrooms. Encourage your child that, of course, if they need help, they just need to ask the nearest adult! We are here to help ensure every student has a positive start to the school year!

Morning Arrival
Upon arrival at school, all car riders should be dropped off in the inner circle at the front of LCMS. It is important that parents/guardians pull forward to the inner circle and drop off their children in a timely manner to prevent any traffic congestion in the mornings.

Afternoon Pickup
Between the hours of 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, no vehicles are permitted to park in the main entrance loop. All parents/guardians picking up their children at LCMS during this time period should use the parking spaces in the parking lot adjacent to the bus lot.

*Due to a construction project at LCMS, the parking lot on the side of the building is not currently available for parking, which means that there will be more cars in the main parking lot. Please prepare that you may need to park further down the parking lot closer to Bus Garage Road than you may have had to park in the past. Please ensure that you park in a parking spot; do not double park behind another vehicle. Also, do not stop in the main entrance loop; doing so can back up traffic on the road. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this time. Thank you for helping us maintain a smooth and safe parking experience for everyone.

Middle school students being picked up by a high school sibling should wait in the LCMS parent pick up area and the LCHS student picking up their sibling should drive to the middle school after dismissal. LCMS students may not walk to the high school parking lot.

Regular School Hours
We ask for families’ support in helping students meet the basic expectations of being at school and arriving on time every day. Regular school attendance supports a positive school experience!

7:40 - School doors open. Grab-n-go kiosks will be located on each grade level wing for breakfast distribution. Breakfast is available to all students, to be eaten upon arrival in the first period classroom!

(Remember that based on funding provided by the USDA, all LCPS students are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at school at no charge! No application is needed, and no further action is required. You may put money on your child’s lunch account to purchase items a la carte.)

7:50 - Warning bell
7:55 - Tardy bell, 1st period begins (all students need to be in class, ready to learn!)
3:09 - Dismissal for all students who are not staying for approved after-school activities
5:45 - Activity bus departs (available Monday - Thursday at designated stops for those students who stay for a school-sponsored activity; door-to-door bus stops cannot be accommodated)

To ensure student safety and building security, students may stay after school only if they have prior written permission from parents/guardians and school personnel and only if they are being supervised by school personnel. Students are not permitted to stay after for evening activities, including sporting events, without adult supervision and written parent permission.  

High Expectations for LCMS Bobcats
We will have expectations assemblies this week in order to set everyone up for success at LCMS and to set forth our high expectations. The highlights of the assembly will include respect, general good behavior and Bobcat citizenship, doing your best with academics, dress code and electronic device policies, and safety as our priority.

Parents and families, we ask that you support us with these high expectations. Please review the Student-Parent Handbook with your child. We must work together to ensure a positive learning environment for every student where every child will reach their fullest potential!

Fall Sports Tryouts
Tryouts for LCMS fall sports will get underway beginning on Monday, August 12th. I would like to highlight the LCMS Athletics website. Click on the Announcements and News tab for the 2024 Team Tryouts schedule.

Chromebook Insurance
Parents, if you have not already, we encourage you to purchase the optional $20 equipment insurance through LCPS, which covers accidental damage at no cost for a first incident and at 50% of the repair cost or replacement, whichever is less, for the second incident of accidental damage. Please note that lost chargers are not covered by the protection plan, nor is intentional damage. Students purchasing the insurance may take cash payment or a check made payable to Louisa County Middle School to the main office.

Teachers and staff are excited to welcome our Bobcats to school tomorrow! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457. We are excited to kick off a great school year!

Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School
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