LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 24, 2024
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
Monday, November 25th will be an A Day. Wednesday through Friday, November 27th through 29th will be our fall break and there will be no school for students. Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd.
Clubs on Monday, November 25th
We will have clubs at the end of the day on Monday, November 25th! This is such an exciting time for our Bobcats where each student is involved in their unique activity, so we ask that parents and families avoid picking up students for an early dismissal after 2:15 if possible, since students will be in clubs.
No Extended Learning or After School Academy on Tuesday, November 26th
There will not be Extended Learning or After School Academy sessions on Tuesday, November 26th.
English Benchmark Test on Wednesday, December 4th
Bobcats in grades 6, 7, and 8 will take the English benchmark test on Wednesday, December 4th. We will have an alternate bell schedule, which will slightly impact lunch shift times.
Jingle Jamboree on Friday, December 6th
We invite our Bobcats in grades 6, 7, and 8 to join us for some festive fun at our Jingle Jamboree on Friday, December 6th after school until 6:00 p.m.! This exciting event is designed for students to celebrate the end of the semester with a variety of engaging activities. Students will dance their hearts out in the cafeteria, enjoy holiday-themed shows and shorts in the forum, unleash their creativity with crafts and coloring in the classrooms, and play exciting games in the gym. This is a great opportunity to create wonderful memories with friends and classmates. Permission forms will be available in the cafeteria starting Monday, November 25th. Forms and $5 admission will be due by Thursday, December 5th after the last lunch shift.
Blue Ridge Virginia Governor’s School
8th Grade Students and Families: Applications for the Blue Ridge Virginia Governor's School are due on Friday, December 6th. The purpose of BRVGS is to serve the academic needs of a community of motivated, high-ability students through a variety of instructional strategies and learning opportunities that engage their interests and challenge their intellectual boundaries beyond a traditional high school experience.
Please contact Mrs. Floyd, LCMS Special Services School Counselor, with any questions: [email protected], 540-894-5457 ext 2061.
School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions
Our school, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Department of Education, is conducting the Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions. We will survey students in grades 6, 7, and 8, as well as classroom instructors and staff, between January 27 and February 7. The purpose of this survey is to measure student support, student engagement, school discipline, and safety conditions in each school. This information will be used to guide educational practices that produce a safe and supportive school environment. Please view the informational letter to read more about the survey, and please notify the school office by telephone or letter by January 24, 2025 if you do not wish for your child to participate.
Destination Imagination Appraisers Needed
LCMS teacher Mrs. Sharon Grubbs has been working with a team of our Bobcats to form a Destination Imagination (DI) team! Destination Imagination is a global educational program designed to foster creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills among students. Participants take on open-ended challenges that encourage them to develop innovative solutions and present their work creatively.
Are you interested in making a meaningful impact at the state Destination Imagination tournament in March? We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to step up as appraisers!
What Do Appraisers Do?
Appraisers play a crucial role by providing scores and feedback during the tournament. Your contribution helps teams learn and grow from their creative experiences.
What's the Commitment?
Appraisers commit to a training session and one day at the tournament. It is a rewarding experience that allows you to support young, creative minds in a fun and engaging environment.
If you are interested in joining us as an appraiser or want more information, please email Mrs. Grubss at [email protected]. Let's work together to make this tournament a success and inspire the next generation of innovators!
LCMS PTA Membership Drive
We encourage and welcome all parents, grandparents, school staff, and community supporters to join the LCMS PTA! Membership is only $5, and the funds will be used to support students and staff at LCMS. As an incentive to join by January 31st, the LCMS PTA is holding a schoolwide membership drive to win custom designed t-shirts! The class in each grade level with the highest percentage of memberships will win the custom t-shirts! Memberships can be purchased online or by returning the printable membership form.
Candy Cane Grams
The LCMS PTA is excited to offer Candy Cane Grams available for purchase by students, staff, and family members! Candy Cane Grams will help spread holiday cheer. Each Candy Cane Gram will include a special message from the sender attached to a candy cane, and they are only $1 each. They will be available for cash purchases during lunch shifts on December 3rd and December 5th, and can be purchased online. Sales will end on Friday, December 6th, so don’t miss out. Candy Cane Grams will be delivered to 4th block classrooms on Friday, December 13th.
I wish you and your loved ones a joyful and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday filled with warmth and togetherness!
If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.
Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School