LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
I am reaching out with some reminders for the remainder of this week!
Picture Day Orders and Makeups
Today was picture day at LCMS! Pictures can be ordered at
lifetouch.com with the Picture Day ID: EVTH7CXZD
Fall pictures are included in our annual yearbook, so students who did not have their picture taken are encouraged to participate in the makeup picture day, which will be on Tuesday, October 22nd. There will also be an opportunity for those who ordered pictures to have their picture retaken on that day. The picture order or proof, which will arrive in the next few weeks, must be brought back on retake day for a student to have a retake.
Wear Red, White, and Blue Tomorrow, September 11th
September 11th is recognized each year as Patriot Day. Tomorrow, Bobcat students and staff will wear red, white, and blue on this designated day for reflection and commemoration.
Sign Up for Asynchronous Learning Day Activities by Tomorrow, September 11th
Wednesday, September 18th will be an Asynchronous Learning Day, and Bobcat students and staff will be participating in community service activities as a way to give back to our supportive community! There is still space available to volunteer at the Louisa County Resource Council and Louisa County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism!
Please complete the permission form and return it to the LCMS main office by tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11th, for your child to participate. This is an excellent opportunity for students to be involved in a service project that benefits our community, and I hope you will consider having your child participate!
Wear Green and Gold on Friday, September 13th
Friday, September 13th is a TeamLCPS Green and Gold Day, so we are excited to show our school spirit by wearing green and gold!
After School Dance on Friday!
We will have our first after school dance of the school year this Friday, September 13th until 5:30 for our Bobcats in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Permission forms must be turned in by Thursday, September 12th at 1:20. Registrations will not be accepted on the day of the dance. The $10 fee will include admission to the dance and one student admission to the LCHS Varsity home football game in the Jungle!
Parents/guardians will pick up students from the dance *beginning* at 5:30. (Early pickups are difficult because students are still dancing!) Enter the campus using the Bus Garage entrance and proceed to door #2 (the 7th grade entrance) to pick up your child.
We are excited to have some social time with our Bobcats, followed by cheering on our Lions in the Jungle!
If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.
Amanda Harper, Ed.D.
Louisa County Middle School