Mr. Weidow's Principal Update for Nov. 10, 2019
Posted on 11/10/2019
Good evening LCMS families. This is Mr. Weidow, Principal. Monday, November 11th will be an A Day. Students, don’t forget to wear red, white, and blue tomorrow in honor of Veterans Day. We will have a Veterans Day Concert tomorrow night at 6:30 PM in the LCMS Forum.
Our next Parent Advisory and PTA meetings will be on Wednesday in the front office conference room. The Parent Advisory will start at 6 PM and the PTA meeting will start at 7 PM.
We will have a Drama performance in the Forum at 6:30 PM on Thursday.
We will have our Fall Band Concert at LCHS at 6:30 PM on Thursday.
Interim report cards will be distributed to students on Friday.
A reminder to parents that a letter was sent home with students on Friday informing you that March 3rd has been changed to a professional development day for LCPS and that school will not be in session for students on that day. A copy of the letter is available HERE.
Thank you and have a great evening.