LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 12, 2023

LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 12. 2023
Posted on 11/12/2023
Principal Weekly Update graphic
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,

Monday, November 13th will be an A Day.

Monday, November 13th is World Kindness Day! We will have Bobcat Pride Time with an Olweus lesson during WIN block and we will wear our LCPS Kindness shirts on Monday! We will have our Kindness Cart in the cafeteria and students who are wearing a kindness shirt will be randomly selected for prizes!

Through this Friday, November 17th, we are working together to fill “P-H-I-L the Turkey” to support the Louisa Resource Council! We have three turkey-shaped collection boxes (named Phil) in the cafeteria for grade levels to compete to bring in the most nonperishable items such as canned veggies or soup, pasta, peanut butter, applesauce, granola bars, fruit cups, pasta, or other dry goods. Which grade level will collect the most items to support the Louisa Resource Council?

Interim Reports will come home with students on Friday, November 17th. As we progress through the school year, I encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions or concerns, or just to connect with them to hear about your child’s continued growth. You can monitor your child’s academic progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal where you are able to see the detailed grade book for each class, as well as attendance and tardy information. Please call our office if you need assistance with logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

We hope to see our students ready to learn at school each day! Bobcats can look forward to a fun incentive to celebrate perfect attendance in the month of November!

Our Bobcats will take the Reading SOL Growth Assessment on Wednesday, November 29th and the Math SOL Growth Assessment on Wednesday, December 6th. We will have an alternate bell schedule on those days for testing. It is always important for students to bring their fully charged Chromebook to school each day, and it is especially important on SOL testing days. Please support your child in having a daily routine of charging their Chromebook each night and putting it in their backpack to bring to school each morning.

If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.

Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School
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