LCMS Principal Weekly Update for April 14, 2024

LCMS Principal Weekly Update for April 14, 2024
Posted on 04/14/2024
Principal Weekly Update GraphicLCMS Bobcat Parents and Families, 

Monday, April 15th will be an A Day.

5th, 6th, and 7th Grade Dance: Friday, April 19th
There will be an evening dance on Friday, April 19th at 6:00 p.m. at LCMS for current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders! Permission forms (linked here) will be turned in, along with $5, at the door upon arrival at LCMS.

When: Friday, April 19th, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Where: LCMS Cafeteria
Cost: $5 - collected at the door upon arrival
Drop-off: When facing LCMS, there are two sets of entrance doors –
6th and 7th grade - main visitor entrance on the right
5th grade - front entrance on the left
Pickup: *Beginning* at 8:30 at the same doors students were dropped off
*Enter campus via Bus Garage Road (not the main entrance) and park in the bus lot
*5th grade students must be signed out
*Early pickups are difficult because students are still dancing!

Pizza, soda, water, popcorn, and candy will be available for purchase. All school rules apply at the dance. Students are expected to dance appropriately and dress according to the dress code. Cell phones must remain out of sight and not be used during the dance. We look forward to welcoming our future Bobcats at this special dance!

Interim Reports
Interim Reports will come home with students on Friday, April 19th. I encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions or concerns, or just to connect with them to hear about your child’s continued growth. You can monitor your child’s academic progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal where you are able to see the detailed grade book for each class, as well as attendance and tardy information. Please call our office if you need assistance with logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

LCPS Arts Festival: Saturday, April 20th
We hope our Bobcats will join us for the 2024 LCPS Arts Festival on Saturday, April 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Louisa County High School. The theme this year is "Every picture tells a story!" Join us for student artwork, musical performances, art-making stations, and more! 
We will enjoy arts-themed spirit days this week leading up to the LCPS Arts Festival!

Monday, April 15th: 80s, 90s, 00s Day
The LCPS Arts Festival has been around since 1987!

Tuesday, April 16th: Dress as Your Favorite Artist

Wednesday, April 17th: Neon Day
Wear your brightest clothes and accessories!

Thursday, April 18th: Show Off Your Patterns Day

Friday, April 19th: Wear Your Favorite Color Day
Arts Festival Spirit Week Flyer.png
Inaugural Intercultural Festival: Saturday, April 27th, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Correlate at LCMS is pleased to present the Inaugural Intercultural Festival on Saturday, April 27th, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Admission is free, and there will be food trucks, vendors, prizes, music, crafts, games, and performances. For more information, check out the Intercultural Festival website on the LCMS website!
Intercultural Festival Flyer-Digital Copy.png

SOL Testing Dates
Please mark your calendar for the end-of-year SOL tests:
6th Grade
Reading SOL – Wednesday, April 24
Math SOL – Tuesday, May 7

7th Grade
Reading SOL – Thursday, April 25
Math SOL – Tuesday, May 7

8th Grade
Civics SOL – Wednesday, April 24
Reading SOL – Thursday, May 2
Math SOL – Tuesday, May 7
Science SOL – Monday, May 13

We ask for your support in ensuring your child is getting good rest, is coming to school prepared and ready to learn, and is continuing to work hard. The end-of-year SOL tests are an opportunity for students to show what they know and demonstrate readiness for the next grade level. Please discuss with your child the importance of putting forth their best effort!

Also, please ensure your student brings their fully charged Chromebook to school each day, especially on SOL testing days. Having a designated place at home to set the backpack and charge the Chromebook each evening can help ensure a smooth morning as they will be ready to grab and go! If a student has lost their Chromebook charger, the replacement cost is $35, and students may purchase a replacement from the Technology Assistance Center in the library.

This will be a great week as we prepare for the LCPS Arts Festival!

If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.

Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School
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