LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Jan. 28, 2024

LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
Monday, January 29th will be an A Day.
Thank you to all of our Bobcat families who came out for a night of family fun on Friday for the LCMS Bingo Night! We are so blessed to have such a supportive school community!
Interim Reports
Interim Reports will come home with students on Friday, February 2nd. I encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers with any questions or concerns, or just to connect with them to hear about your child’s continued growth. You can monitor your child’s academic progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal where you are able to see the detailed grade book for each class, as well as attendance and tardy information. Please call our office if you need assistance with logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Asynchronous Learning Day Community Service Activities
Wednesday, February 14th will be an Asynchronous Learning Day, and Bobcat students and staff will be participating in community service activities as a way to give back to our supportive community! Here is an update: We will be volunteering at the Louisa County Resource Council, the Louisa County Arts Center, the Louisa Animal Shelter, and with an initiative with the Meals of Hope program (located at the Louisa County High School gym) to help measure, pour, weigh, and pack meals, and/or create a Kind Card to accompany each meal. Please complete the
permission form for your child to participate and return the form to the LCMS Main Office no later than Friday, February 2nd. (Please note that participation with the volunteer opportunity at the Louisa Animal Shelter requires a signed waiver.) This is an excellent opportunity for students to be involved in a service project that benefits our community, and I hope you will consider having your child participate!
LCMS Yearbook
Be sure to order your LCMS yearbook for $40! Students can take cash or a check payable to Louisa County Middle School to Ms. Ventre in room 901, or you can order online at Students can celebrate their journey, friends, and achievements in this incredible year, forever captured in our LCMS yearbook!
Future Dates
February 5th - 9th: Black History Month Spirit Week
Monday: Marvel/DC Monday
Wear your favorite Marvel/DC character attire in honor of past and present characters (such as Chad Boseman from
Black Panther).
Tuesday: Sports Icons Day
Dress as your favorite black athlete, or athlete of your choice, or wear a jersey from a historically significant team.
*Students may purchase a wristband for $1 in the forum upon arrival to wear a hat for the day!
Wednesday: Unity Day/Bobcat Pride Day
Wear green and gold for our LCMS Spreading Kindness event!
Thursday: Throwback Thursday
Take a trip through history by dressing in styles from different eras in Black history, from the Harlem Renaissance to the 1970s, 80s, or 90s Hip Hop fashion!
Friday: Dress for Success/College Day
Dress up in attire related to future career goals, inspired by successful Black professionals in various fields, or wear apparel from your favorite HBCU or other college/university.

We will have a Valentine’s Dance on Friday, February 9th after school until 5:30. The permission form will be emailed to families next Sunday and provided for students in the cafeteria next week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Permission forms must be turned in by Thursday, February 8th by 1:20 (end of lunch shifts). We are looking forward to this opportunity for social time and fun!
Parent-teacher conferences will take place on Wednesday, February 28th from 3:45 to 7:00 p.m. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to stay connected with your child’s teachers about your child’s academic progress. Conferences play an important role in fostering collaboration, understanding, and support in your child's educational journey. We are eager to connect with you as we partner to provide the best possible middle school experience!
Also on Wednesday, February 28th, our LCPS Career & Technical Education program is hosting CTE Showcase Night at Louisa County High School! The event will begin at 4:00 p.m., and elementary students will be competing in the annual CTE STEAM Cup Challenge starting at 5! There will be student demonstrations and prize raffles, and for five dollars, you can schedule an oil change, haircut, or pick up a BBQ dinner!
Continuing to look ahead, we will have a “Pot of Gold” dance on Friday, March 15th after school until 5:30 p.m. On Friday, April 19th, we will have a dance from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students as a way of welcoming our future Bobcats!
The 8th Grade Formal will take place for 8th grade Bobcats on Saturday, May 4th from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. These are all great opportunities for middle school memories to be made!
We are looking forward to a great week ahead! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.
Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School