LCMS Principal Weekly Update for May 14, 2023
Posted on 05/14/2023
Good evening, and Happy Mother’s Day, LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
Monday, May 15th will be a B day.
The end of the school year is fast approaching, and this is a time to celebrate all of the successes of this school year! Our Bobcats have worked hard this year, and it has been wonderful to see them grow academically and socially. They have brought me great joy as they have graced the hallways of LCMS! As this school year comes to an end, I am grateful for your continuous support, parents and families. Thank you for your partnership in making this a wonderful school for students to learn and grow in. Our Bobcats have a lot to be proud of, and we will be celebrating that over the next week and a half!
This is the time of year that we enjoy engaging and collaborative projects, fun activities, and end of year festivities! Remember that school attendance matters through the last day of school! As always, students should stay home when they are sick but should attend school when possible. I hope to see all of our Bobcats at school each day between now and the last day of school, which will be Wednesday, May 24th. Also, remember that we will dismiss at 11:00 on Wednesday, May 24th.
It is also important that students continue to meet the highest expectations of conduct while we enjoy the end of school year festivities, including being respectful, having general good behavior and Bobcat citizenship, keeping hands, feet, and all other objects to oneself, and abiding by the school dress code and electronic device policies. Please encourage your child to end the school year positively by making good choices and thinking before they speak and act.
All over-the-counter and prescription medications must be picked up from the nurse’s office by the last day of school, May 24th, by 3pm Medications that are not picked up will be discarded. Please contact Nurse Smith with any questions.
Visit our LCMS website to submit anonymous positive and encouraging messages for our Bobcats as we complete our school year on our YouUplift Kindness eWall!
Thank you, as always, for all of your support! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457. Let’s finish the school year strong!
Have a great evening, and again, Happy Mother’s Day!
Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School