Good evening, LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
This is the final Sunday evening update for the 2023-2024 school year!
Monday, May 20th will be a B Day.
The end of the school year is here, and it is time to celebrate all of the successes of this school year! Our Bobcats have worked hard this year, and it has been wonderful to see them grow academically and socially. They have brought me great joy as they have graced the hallways of LCMS! As this school year comes to an end, I am grateful for your continuous support, parents and families. Thank you for your partnership in making this a wonderful school for students to learn and grow in. Our Bobcats have a lot to be proud of, and we will be celebrating that this week!
Bobcat Bash
We will have a Bobcat Bash for 6th graders on Monday, 7th graders on Tuesday, and 8th graders on Wednesday! Students should bring a refillable water bottle, put on sunscreen before school, wear sneakers and sport-like clothing, and only bring their Chromebooks to school on the day of their Bobcat Bash. It will be a fun time!
All 8th grade students should have returned their Chromebook and charger at this time. If an 8th grade student has not returned their Chromebook and charger, they need to do so right away. Rising 9th graders will be issued a new device at LCHS, although students will not receive a new device until the current device and charger have been turned in or the replacement cost has been paid. Please ask your child if they have a bill for a lost or damaged device or charger. If so, please submit payment promptly.
6th and 7th grade Bobcats will keep their Chromebooks over the summer, while being reminded that it is a school-issued device that should only be used for school-appropriate purposes and should be kept in a safe place in good condition.
There are a limited number of yearbooks available for purchase for $40. Students may bring cash or a check to Ms. Ventre in room 901 to purchase a yearbook.
Medication in the Clinic
All over-the-counter and prescription medications must be picked up from the nurse’s office by 3 p.m. on the last day of school, Thursday, May 23rd. According to LCPS policy, medication cannot be transported on the bus. Medications that are not picked up by an adult will be discarded. NO medication can be carried over from one year to the next. Please contact Nurse Smith with any questions.
Library Books
At this time, all library books should have been returned. If your child still has a library book checked out, please make sure it is returned right away in order to avoid fines for the replacement cost.
11:00 Dismissal on the Last Day of School
Thursday, May 23rd is the last day of school of the 2023-2024 school year, and we will dismiss at 11:00 a.m. (Lunch will not be served on Thursday.)
Thank you, as always, for all of your support! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457. Let’s finish the school year strong!
Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School