LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Nov. 7, 2021
Good Sunday evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. I hope everyone has enjoyed a relaxing weekend with family. I am calling tonight with a preview for the week of November 8th.
As you may know, the Virginia Department of Health and the Blue Ridge Health District have released the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to be administered to children ages 5 to 11-years-old. Accordingly, our school division is partnering with the Blue Ridge Health District to host vaccine clinics on Saturday, November 13th, Wednesday, November 17th, and Tuesday, November 23rd.
If you are a parent or guardian who is interested in signing your 5 to 11-year-old child up for a vaccine, please visit our school website for complete details. We want to stress that getting the vaccine is VOLUNTARY and we encourage you to consult your child’s physician with any questions you may have.
This Thursday (11th), we celebrate Veterans Day. Bobcat Nation has many classroom activities planned to honor our veterans. To all of our veterans of the Armed Forces, we are proud of you, we respect you, and we honor you. We also thank you for your sacrifice, service, and dedication to our country.
On Friday (12th), face-to-face students will be receiving their second nine weeks interim within fourth-period classrooms. Virtual Academy students will have their interims mailed home on Thursday (11th). I encourage all students and parents to continue to be in contact with teachers concerning academic progress throughout the academic year.
This week will be the last week that we are collecting new socks, gloves, and hats, to donate to families in need. If your child would like to bring in any of these items for Socktober, there are grade-level bins located in the cafeteria.
Our “Stuff the Turkey” campaign is in full swing. We have currently collected almost 1,000 non-perishable, non-expired food items to support the Louisa County Resource Council. Students may drop off donated items to their first-period teacher until November 19th. Virtual Academy students may drop off items in a bin located outside of the main entrance doors.
Excelling together, we are Bobcat Nation! I thank you for your support and cooperation. If we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night!