LCMS Principal Update for Sept. 25, 2022
LCMS Bobcat Parents and Families,
Our Bobcats had a joyous time on Friday after school at our first dance of the school year! We had more than 600 students stay after school to enjoy music, dancing, food, and fun with friends! It was a meaningful time of reconnection for our students. My sincere thanks to you, parents and families, for your patience in the pickup process. We were appreciative of your support in making the dance and football game experience possible for our Bobcats! We are looking forward to our next after school dance, which will be on Friday, October 14!
Monday, September 26 will be an A day.
Bobcat students and staff will be participating in a community service activity on Wednesday, October 5, an Asynchronous Learning Day, as a way to give back to our supportive community. For this community service project, we will be working together to clean up roads within Louisa County. This is an excellent opportunity for students to be involved in a service project that benefits our community. If your student would like to participate, please complete the permission form, as a form must be on file to attend. Please return this permission form to the LCMS Main Office no later than Wednesday, September 28, 2022.
The Piedmont YMCA is offering a Teen Leaders Club at LCMS for our Bobcats to “Hang Out With a Purpose.” Leaders Club offers support to achieve teens' goals, leadership skills, impactful community service projects, meaningful experiences, team-building skills, and self-confidence. The group will meet weekly at LCMS on Mondays after school until 5:45 beginning on October 3 and continuing through the school year. Participants may ride the activity bus. The cost for the year is $50 for Piedmont YMCA members and $100 for non-members. Financial assistance is available. Connect with friends and register at!
We also have another exciting event to share with all of our LCPS families. This Friday, September 30th, we will be celebrating First Responders Appreciation Night in The Jungle at Louisa County High School as our undefeated varsity football Lions host Monticello. At the event this Friday, we will be honoring all of our firefighters, EMS workers, law enforcement officers, and healthcare professionals.
Accordingly, we are inviting ALL of our local first responders to join us at Friday’s game! First, we’re hosting an honorary pregame cookout inside The Jungle for all first responders beginning at 6:15 p.m. We’re also giving all first responders entrance to the game for FREE, just show up in uniform or present your work ID badge. This is going to be a special event and we’re going to be honoring our first responders throughout Friday’s game. So, if you’re a first responder and would like to attend, send an RSVP our way by emailing [email protected]. We hope to see you at The Jungle on Friday and thank you for your service!
As safety is our priority, no vehicles are permitted to stop or park in the main entrance loop between the hours of 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. All parents/guardians picking up their children at LCMS during this time period should use the parking spaces in the Central Office parking lot and meet their child on the sidewalk behind the buses for pickup. Students should not walk through the parking lot without an adult, and adults may not enter our bus lot area. If assistance is needed during dismissal, please see a staff member.
TeamLCPS believes that student attendance is a significant predictor of a student's academic, social, and emotional growth, as well as overall success. We encourage your child to strive for regular attendance to school this academic year and to arrive on time at school every day. Please reference the October Attendance Newsletter for more information.
We are excited for a great week ahead! If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please call our office at (540) 894-5457.
Amanda Harper
Louisa County Middle School