Good evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody.
The first 7 days of school have been amazing and our students, faculty, and staff have worked together as members of TeamLCPS should. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to every parent, guardian, and student for carefully adhering to our guidelines for face coverings, social distancing, and other mitigation measures that are in place. For our families attending the LCPS Virtual Academy, thank you for your flexibility and patience as we navigate through the model of instruction.
As we enter our second full week of school, we continue to ask all students before coming to school each morning to perform a self-screening and ask the self-screening questions before entering LCMS. If the student answers “Yes” to any of the questions, we ask that the student does not report to school. Safety will always be the number one priority at TeamLCPS and we need to ensure that we are conducting self-screenings for the safety of all.
Finally tonight, on Thursday and Friday of this week, we will continue with our Olweus Bullying Prevention lessons. When students enter the building on Thursday and Friday, students should report to their 4th-period classroom, not their first-period classroom, for their Olweus lesson. Also as a reminder, as students enter the building each day, breakfast is free to all students.
As always, I thank you for your continued support and cooperation. If we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night!