Good evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. Tomorrow, we begin a journey of “Excelling Together”. To say that the LCMS faculty/staff is excited is a true understatement. Tonight, we call you with some reminders and important updates.
First, before coming to school each morning, students are asked to perform a self-screening and ask the self-screening questions (attached) before entering LCMS. If the student answers “Yes” to any of the questions, we ask that the student does not report to school. Safety will always be the number one priority at TeamLCPS and we need to ensure that we are conducting self-screenings for the safety of all.
Second, students will be required to wear masks on school buses. In addition, masks must remain on upon exit from the school bus and remain on throughout the school day. The only exception is when teachers provide mask breaks each class period and during meals. We must also maintain 6 feet of social distancing upon exiting from the school bus/car while walking to the building, and within the building at all times. We have social distancing markers on the hallway floors to serve as guidance.
Third, we have an update to morning car drop-offs. All car drop-offs will occur within the front loop of LCMS. Staff will be in the front loop to perform a temperature screening on all students who arrive by car. We ask that you wait until a staff member has asked you to exit the vehicle, so all students receive a temperature screening. Once car riders have had their temperature taken by a staff member and have been cleared, the student will enter through the doors of the 8th-grade wing. We will have staff members to assist with entry into the building and ensuring that students safely reach their classes.
Also, we have exciting news! This year, breakfast will be free of charge to all LCMS students. At a grade-level designated grab-n-go kiosk, students will need to scan the badge that was received at Open House. Once students have obtained their breakfast, students will report to their first-period classrooms to eat breakfast within the classroom.
Parents who need to pick up their child early will come to the main entrance door of the middle school and use the buzzer system to communicate to office staff. Parents will not be allowed inside the building for student pick up. Verification of pick up will be made by office staff at the front entrance of the middle school before the student is called to leave.
For our virtual students, your child’s teacher has or will provide a schedule and assignments for the day. Please be sure to check Google Classroom for more information. Also, reach out to the teacher with any questions.
For our students on the A/B Blended schedule, I would like to remind you that “A” students will attend on Thursday of this week and “B” students will attend on Friday. Furthermore, it is an expectation that students come to school each day with their Chromebooks fully charged. We ask that you please remember to bring your student schedule to assist with class period locations.
Again, we are excited to see all of our students tomorrow and Friday. Whether online or in-person, “We Will”. Have a great night!
Drop Off Map
Self-Screening Flyer