Good Sunday evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. I hope that everyone has enjoyed a relaxing weekend. I am calling tonight with a preview for the final two days of this academic year.
First, what an amazing day we had yesterday in “The Jungle” celebrating our eighth graders. I would like to thank all of our Bobcat Nation staff, students, parents, and family members for making the day a special one for our students.
Cheerleading tryouts for next school year will be held on May 24th and May 25th. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Nurse Spencer ([email protected]).
Any blended model student who did not turn in a Chromebook on Thursday and Friday of this past week will need to do so on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Please ensure that your child also brings their charger with them on these dates, as Chromebooks will be collected during the school day.
For our Virtual Academy students, Chromebook drop-off will take place on May 28th from 7:00am - 6:00pm in the bus loop parking lot (The Jungle parking lot). In addition, the drop-off day will serve as a time to collect all materials that need to be returned to school. If you are unable to make it May 28th, please call the Technology Help Desk at (540) 894-4373 to schedule an appointment for drop-off before May 28th.
Any medications that are currently housed at LCMS will need to be picked up no later than Wednesday, May 26th. All medication not picked up will be properly disposed of.
Attention sixth-grade parents: Paperwork has been sent home with blended model students regarding the Tdap vaccine that is required for 7th-grade. For our Virtual Academy students, this information was emailed by Dr. Chen. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Spencer ([email protected]).
Final report cards for this academic year will be mailed home to all students on June 1st.
Parents and families of Bobcat Nation, excelling together, we will and we did! I truly thank you for your continued support throughout this academic year. We have pulled together and have set the standard as only Louisa can do. As always, if we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night and an amazing summer!