LCMS Principal Updates for Nov. 1, 2020
Good evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. I hope you all had a great Halloween! I am calling tonight with a preview for the week of November 2nd.
Earlier today, you should have also received a call and email from our Superintendent Mr. Straley, concerning a survey that is being sent out to all families. This survey allows you to switch learning models for the second semester, beginning in January 2021.
So, if your child is currently in the Blended Learning model, and you would like to switch them to LCPS Virtual Academy for the Spring 2021 semester, please fill out this survey. Or, if your child attends LCPS Virtual Academy, but you would like for them to switch to the Blended Learning model, please fill out this survey.
However, if you are comfortable with the current learning model your child is in and you do not want to switch, you do *NOT* need to complete this survey. This survey is *only* for families who want to switch learning models for their student. Again, if you do NOT want to switch the learning model your child is in, do NOT complete this survey.
This survey was emailed out earlier today, but if you don’t see it in your inbox, don’t worry. You can also find a link to it on our school website. For families who would like to make a change, please fill out the survey by this Friday, November 6th. Again, please only complete this survey if you want to switch the learning model your student is currently in. We’re pleased to be able to provide you this option and we appreciate your support!
On November 5th, 6th grade blended model students will change to their 3rd rotation within the Exploratory Wheel. Students will be given updated class schedules during 4th period on the 5th to prepare for the change in their 5th-period class that day. In addition, faculty/staff will ensure that students know the location of their new 5th-period class and assist in the hallways during the class change.
From October 19th to November 20th, LCMS will be holding a “Stuff the Turkey Food Drive”. We are asking that students and staff bring in canned foods and other non-perishable items to support the Louisa County Resource Council. Donations should be given to your child’s first-period teacher. LCPS Virtual Academy students may drop off canned goods and non-perishable items at the main entrance of the middle school. A bin has been placed outside of the main entrance for drop-off. We ask that you bag the items and place your child’s name on the bag, as 1st-period classes are having a friendly competition to see who can donate the most items.
The Positive Home, School, and Community Correlate reminds all families about Bobcat Bingo coming November 11th at 7:00pm. Check out the flyer to reserve your spot! If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Our school counselors would like to remind you that they are available to serve the needs of all of our students, both blended and virtual. If you have not already submitted back a signed Virtual School Counseling Opt-In form, please make sure to sign one and return it back to the school by Friday, November 6th. You may either sign and return a paper copy of the form or sign an electronic copy of the form and email it directly back to your grade level school counselor. For your convenience, both an electronic copy of the Virtual School Counseling Opt-In form, as well as our school counselors' email addresses are outlined on our school website. The school counselors are eager to provide our students with individual and small group counseling support through various virtual platforms this school year. These consent forms allow our school counselors to be able to work with all of our students virtually and will allow your students to be able to participate in different upcoming virtual counseling opportunities. If you have any questions about the form, please reach out to your grade level school counselor for further assistance.
Finally tonight, this is a reminder that there is no school on Tuesday, November 3rd.
As always, I thank you for your continued support and cooperation. If we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night!