Mr. Weidow's Principal Update for Sept. 22, 2019
Good evening LCMS families. This is Mr. Weidow, Principal.
Monday, September 23rd will be an A Day.
We will be having a spirit week, throughout the week, as part of our participation with Start With Hello. The themes are as follows: Monday -- Wear Orange,Tuesday -- Wear Teal, Wednesday -- Wear Green, Thursday -- Superhero, and Friday -- Kindness Shirts.
Kindness shirts will be sent home with students on Thursday.
Permission forms for our 5th Quarter Event will be sent home with students tomorrow. You can also get the form by CLICKING HERE. It is due back on October 1st. The 5th Quarter will take place on Friday, October 4th.
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, September 25th from 3:45-7 PM.
B Day Clubs will meet on Thursday, September 26th.
The Lions Club will be coming to LCMS on September 30th and October 1st for hearing and vision screening for 7th grade students.
The LCMS Book Fair will take place from October 4th through October 11th with parent night from 3:30-6 PM on October 10th.
Thank you and have a great evening!