LCMS Principal Weekly Update for Jan. 9, 2022
Good Sunday evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. I hope that everyone is safe and doing well. I am calling tonight with a preview for the week of January 10th.
As we recover from the winter storm this past week, I want to share that we know that this time has been one of difficulty for many of our families. Our community has come together during this time to support each other, as we always do. I would like to thank all of our staff and community members who assisted at the emergency shelter at our school. I would also like to thank our first responders and all essential personnel for providing support to our community during this past week.
All students will be returning to the building and the virtual setting on Tuesday, January 11th. With our return to the building, all students will follow their A-day schedule on Tuesday, which is a change. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday and we wish all students a successful second semester. If your family is still experiencing power outages, please know that we will work with your child on his/her attendance and ensure that all work is able to be made up by an appropriate date without penalty.
Wednesday, January 12th, will now serve as a regular school day for all students as this day was previously an Asynchronous Learning Day.
With safety being our top priority at TeamLCPS, I ask that students continue to perform self-screenings each morning before coming to school. If your child is sick, feeling sick, or has been around someone who has been sick, it is best for them to stay at home. We must continue to work together to ensure the safety of all.
On January 11th, our sixth-grade students will change to their fourth rotation within the Exploratory Wheel. Students will be given updated class schedules during fourth period on January 11th to prepare for the change in their fifth-period class. In addition, faculty/staff will ensure that students know the location of their new fifth-period class and assist in the hallways during the class change.
There will be no school on Monday, January 17th, as we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Again, if your family is still experiencing a power outage, please know that we will work to support your student.
Excelling together, we are Bobcat Nation! I thank you for your continued support and cooperation. If we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night!