LCMS Principal Update for Nov. 8, 2020
Good evening Bobcat Nation. This is your principal, Shaun Woody. I hope you all have enjoyed this beautiful weekend weather with family. I am calling tonight with a preview for the week of November 9th.
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, we encourage students, faculty, and staff to wear red, white, and blue in honor of our veterans. For all of our TeamLCPS veterans, we thank you for your patriotism and willingness to serve our country.
On Thursday and Friday of this week, blended model students will be given their 2nd nine weeks interim during their 4th-period class. Virtual Academy students will have their interims mailed home on Thursday. We encourage all parents to remain in constant communication with teachers so we can provide needed supports for students’ academic success.
The Positive Home, School, and Community Correlate reminds all families about Bobcat Bingo coming November 11th at 7:00pm. Check out the flyer to reserve your spot! Participants must RSVP by Wednesday at 3:00pm in order to receive the game link. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Finally tonight, through November 20th, LCMS will be holding a “Stuff the Turkey Food Drive”. We are asking that students and staff bring in canned foods and other non-perishable items to support the Louisa County Resource Council. Donations should be given to your child’s first-period teacher. LCPS Virtual Academy students may drop off canned goods and non-perishable items at the main entrance of the middle school. A bin has been placed outside of the main entrance for drop-off. We ask that you bag the items and place your child’s name on the bag, as 1st-period classes are having a friendly competition to see who can donate the most items.
As always, I thank you for your continued support and cooperation. If we can assist in any way, please contact us at (540) 894-5457. Have a great night!